MIS 500

Microbiological inoculant of soils which accelerates the composting processes, its use favors the processes of mineralization of the soil, therefore, enables a better absorption of nutrients.

It is comprised of many species of microorganisms, such as: Trichoderma sp., Yeats, Azotobacter, solubilizing bacteria, decomposer fungi and Enzymes which are fully innocuous to living beings and to the environment.

Dosage and method of use:

  • Flowers: apply 6 liters per hectare on days 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120. Repeat after harvest peaks.
  • Vegetables: apply 3 liters per hectare to the soil on days 0, 30, 60 and 90.
  • Rooting bank: 30 cc on days 15 and 30.
  • Germination (malting floors): 50 cc per 20-liter pump.
  • Compost piles: 60 cc per ton at the beginning and the end of the composting process.




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